Switching to Token Authentication

Customer consent for securing Service Provider access to their Microsoft 365 platform can be secured using only Microsoft Graph Token-based authentication.

This is recommended method for securing connection to Microsoft 365.

To switch to token authentication:
1. In the Service portal Navigation pane, select Configuration > M365 Configuration.

2. Click Validate Authentication to ensure current token is valid. Last Authentication Status: Successful is displayed.

3. Click Switch to auth token.

The following dialog is displayed.

4. Enter the email address of the customer administrator to whom you wish to send the invitation.

The following confirmation screen is displayed.


An email similar to the following is sent to the customer tenant admin. If you did not receive an email, click Resend Invitation to send it again.

6. Click the link to start the wizard.

7. Click Use Device Token.

8. Enter the credentials of the customer tenant admin with consent permissions (see Secure Token Connection) and then click Start authentication.
9. Copy the displayed code to clipboard and then click the link highlighted above.

10. Choose the account of the customer tenant administrator with "Global" permissions or Service Account (see Secure Token Connection).
11. You will be prompted to authenticate your account using Microsoft Authenticator. A screen similar to the following is displayed.

12. Click Continue.

13. Close the above window. The confirmation of the completion of the authentication process is displayed.
14. Close the above window.
15. Return to the Microsoft 365 Settings screen. Note that "Authentication Status:  Successful" is displayed and that the Switch to App Registration button is displayed.